
Intro to VOX Language School


Why should you choose VOX-Sprachschule for your language course?

You are unique - and we love that!

At VOX, we teach only in small groups of max. 5 students in offline courses and 3 students in our online courses. Like this, we can tailor the course exactly to your specific needs. Speaking is the most natural function of the language, and the VOX teaching method concentrates exactly on bringing you to speak without losing time. We'll take care of you speaking actively in the course and shaping out your pronunciation for better and faster identification with the new language and more freedom in speaking.

Teachers at VOX

We hire only the biggest talents with a university background in linguistics. All new tutors are then trained into our novel VOX teaching method by the founder of the school. It doesn't matter with which teacher you will learn at VOX; we promise that you will not be disappointed!

Let's get started!!!
Nathalie October 30, 2020 03:13 PM Delete

Sérieux et plaisant. Le bon cocktail...

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