
Csaba's experience learning German at VOX


Csaba's story learning German at VOX

Csaba was one of the most successful students at VOX. He learned German from A1 level until B1 level with the TELC German exam passed in 6 lessons of 60 min of individual lessons at VOX. We shaped a highly individualized program for him that matched exactly his learning way, and it produced really amazing results. 

Individual approach at VOX

VOX is about individuality; we take responsibility for students' struggles in any learning area and shape tailored solutions that lead them efficiently to speaking a new language. We consider motivational, psychological, and linguistical aspects in preparing this program. That's also why we limit our group size to a maximum of 5 participants for offline language courses and 3 participants in online courses. Because only like this, we can ensure that a teacher has enough time to take responsibility for resolving each learner's issues and not just leave them alone with their problems. Also, the students have time to train their articulatory muscles during the lesson actively. One cannot learn to speak without speaking because when you learn to speak, you need to train your motoric memory, which is tightly connected to active speaking. If you only learn through listening, reading, and writing, you'll never be able to start speaking. You will only be able to understand, read, and write passively...

Seinfeld chain in a language course

Csaba was also the first student at VOX who worked with the Sinefeld Chain method, which is now part of the VOX-Method. In fact, he was the one who gave the idea to integrate it at VOX, and we are very thankful for that. Hundreds of students profited already from this simple and efficient approach.
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